Eventually we decided that a couple of us needed to make a plan or else we would never get anywhere so it was decided that Jenni and I would be the planners. We spent a whole saturday making this plan and we were so proud of it! Jenni even made this beautiful spreadsheet with how long we would spend in each place ( 3 nights in Amsterdam, 3 nights in Berlin, 3 nights in Prague, 2 nights in Milan and 3 nights in Rome), which hostels we would stay in and how much everything would cost (I picked the colours).
This is the general idea of the spreadsheet
We showed the plan to everyone in the group on monday thinking that everyone would be extremely excited which some were but a few were not happy, saying that 16 days is to long and they want to take 2 days off and they were worried about potential dangers especially in prague. The problem is that me and Jenni are very much the kind of people who like travelling and dont mind roughing it a bit where as, others in our group are used to the 5 star hotel kind of thing. Jenni and I accepted the idea of taking two days off thinking we could take a day off the start and end and have been trying to prove that we will not die on the trip. Then suddenly… people started wanting 3 days off! We were confused, a little angry and not feeling like cooperating.
Although everyone seemed ungrateful we still love them and we wanted to spend the holiday with them so we have now agreed they can make changes as long as it is not us making them. Sowm has researched trains and discovered that the trains we were originally taking run at the same time everyday so there is no problem there, I'm not sure if anyone has checked whether the hostels are available on the new days. I hope they are.
Now that the disagreements are over i am super excited for the trip and can't wait to write about the different places we visit. I just need to persuade everyone that Trangias in the park cooking pasta is the way forwards!