This story starts with my friend Milly messaging me on an ordinary tuesday evening. I was relaxing, watching TV whilst sort of doing work when a message saying "Hannah would you like to do me the honour of coming to see Taylor Swift with me on Sunday?". Now before this I had actually asked Milly if she would like to go to the concert but we both decided against it as it was too expensive. So it was of great surprise to me when she asked, I can't begin to explain the excitement that built up in me as I read her message. At first I didn't believe it, I thought it was a cruel trick but as Milly assured me this was a genuine request I couldn't contain the feelings, Milly rung me so we could scream together.
On the day of the concert my dad took me to Milly's house (the most beautiful house ever), we drank tea and then her dad drove us to the train station. There was a big kerfuffle because the trains were't running properly so the times of arrival had changed, also Milly needed a new railcard so had to fill in a form but we couldn't find a pen or any other writing instrument. Eventually we found something after minutes of searching. We missed the first train (it arrived and left earlier than expected) so we waited for the next one.
Once on the train Milly and I listened to music, a favourite past time of ours is to show each other music we like. We wished we had brought biscuits with us because the girls next to us had loads. The train wasn't very long but once we got of it we had to get on the tube after working out which were the correct lines to get. Milly worked it out because she's good at tubes. On the tube Milly danced to the beat of the train and received various looks, many saying "I'm so sorry you're mentally ill" with their eyes. I occasionally joined in with the dancing but I'm not quite as crazy as Milly. We ended up getting on the wrong line the first time round, I think the map was wrong but any who we got to the right place eventually.
We left the underground and met a man standing outside trying to look scary, he stopped us and told us about a scary London tour thing. We told him we were poor because we are students (even though that is not strictly true), he replied telling us he also was a student so he understood and would give us half price on the tour, I must mention that this man did not look like a student, more like a 50 year old, I suppose he still could have been a student but its not the same. We both decided not to take the tour and made our way towards the Tate gallery.
We were disorientated and weren't sure which way to walk, we found a sign and thought it was point ing to over the bridge so we started walking in that direction. When we were half was across the bridge I looked around and saw the Tate on the side of the river we had started on so we turned back and walked along the river towards it. At the Tate we visited the Paul Klee exhibition (we got in for free with my dads membership card). The exhibition was really good, Milly really enjoys looking for the meaning in the paintings, her favourite was one of some flowers on a dark background because she thought it symbolised putting the bad stuff in life behind you and the happy stuff in front ( I think that was what she thought anyway). My favourite are you funny paintings, I laugh more than most.

After the Tate we journeyed on over to the O2 arena, on the way passing a busker to whom I offered a ginger nut cookie to, he refused it which made me sad. We got back on the tube and did some more underground dancing. When we arrived at the O2 there were loads of Taylor Swift fans with cat ears and Red banners, at first we were jealous of how well prepared they were and then decided we didn't want cat ears anyway. Before the concert we were meeting Milly's boyfriend Seb, I had never met him before but Milly said we would love each other and I had heard so much about him we may as well have been best friends. Seb told us to meet him at Starbucks which would be on our right when we walked out of the tube station. It wasn't. Unfortunately Seb did not have a phone so we had no way of telling him that there was no Starbucks and to meet somewhere else so we spent a while wandering around trying to find a Starbucks and eventually decided maybe there used to be one but it had been knocked down and the best way to find Seb would be to sit outside the station.
We sat on the floor and ate veggie percy pigs for a while until we got bored. I went to the cafe nero inside the station and asked whether there was a Starbucks anywhere and the told me there was one inside the O2 so we went to look their. WE FOUND HIM. Seb stood in a long coat with green paint all down his back and in his hair, Milly asked why and he told us he had been on set and lent on a freshly painted green wall. However this did not just happen earlier that day as we assumed, but happened the day before.
Seb said he wanted a drink so we went to
a bar inside the O2, we sat and talked whilst listening to the Taylor Swift that was being played continuously in the bar. We thought it was strange because most of the people in the bar did not look like Swiftys but we enjoyed it anyway. Seb had no idea who Taylor Swift is because he likes to be different and not a part of the whole consumerism world or something like that.
Finally we found our seats in the arena, we were at the front of the back but had quite a good view actually. The show was amazing, i particularly enjoyed her slower songs such as; "All too well" because they were relaxing and I was able to sit down for them, of course the more up-beat songs were fantastic swell, "22" is a favourite of mine. During the show Taylor Swift brought out her surprise guest, I have to say I was hoping for Ed Sheeran so was disappointed when she introduced Sam Smith who, at the time, I had never heard of. He was surprisingly good so I want to thank Taylor to introducing me to music I would have never listened to my self.
Finally I must thank the wonderful Milly Kidner for taking me to the concert as a birthday present, it was the best present I could ever be given.